This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other FinnCham China - Beijing events.

This webinar is a part of the Greener Together: China-Nordic Dialogue on Carbon Neutrality campaign organized in collaboration with FinnCham, the Norwegian Business Association and DCCC.

In the launch session for the "Greener Together: China-Nordic Dialogue on Carbon Neutrality" webinar series, our speakers will introduce China's low carbon goals and the impact this may have on your business in China.

Kaare Sandholt, Chief Expert (International), China Energy Transition Programme at the Energy Research Institute of Academy of Macroeconomic Research, will introduce the current climate and energy policies in China along with an expected timeline of when different measures will be implemented.

Mika Klemettinen, Trade and Innovation Consul at the Consulate General of Finland in Shanghai, will share how European policies on carbon emissions and related actions shape and influence Headquarter strategies.

Anders Lennartsson, Sustainability Director at IKEA China, will share how IKEA has implemented IKEA's green ambitions, their China strategy and the challenges they have faced along the way.

About GreenerTogether:

Over the recent years, reducing carbon emissions has become the main sustainability issue (both for governments and for companies), globally and in China. China has set ambitious targets with peak carbon emissions in 2030 and carbon neutrality in 2060. These targets will have large impact on companies, some of these impacts may be:

  • New regulations, such as carbon pricing & demands for energy efficiency in new builds.
  • Shifting customer demands that focus on global commitments to emission reduction.
  • Reporting on supply chain emissions due to EU regulations.
  • Potential market opportunities for emission reducing technologies.
  • Young talents may increasingly wish to work on sustainability related issues, or within companies with good sustainability profile

In this campaign we are hosting monthly webinars, where we invite expert speakers to provide an overview of relevant policies and initiatives in China and Europe, and industry leaders on implementation in China, providing inspiration and hands-on tools on how to adapt your HQ goals into your Chinese operations, followed by Q&A. We will also publish articles on Nordic low-carbon leaders in China.


FinnCham Member: Free

Non-Members: RMB 150

Webinar-link will be received upon registration.


  • Kaare Sandholt (Chief Expert (International), China Energy Transition Programme at Energy Research Institute of Academy of Macroeconomic Research)

    Kaare Sandholt

    Chief Expert (International), China Energy Transition Programme at Energy Research Institute of Academy of Macroeconomic Research

    More Information

  • Mika Klemettinen (Trade and Innovation Consul, Head of Business Finland Shanghai at Business Finland)

    Mika Klemettinen

    Trade and Innovation Consul, Head of Business Finland Shanghai at Business Finland

    More Information

  • Anders Lennartsson (Sustainability Director of Ikea)

    Anders Lennartsson

    Sustainability Director of Ikea

    More Information

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