Welcome to Finnish Business Council Beijing (FBCB) Annual General Meeting (AGM).
For the actual AGM proceedings, please see the Meeting agenda and more information attached below.
Before official meeting proceedings, Ambassador Leena-Kaisa Mikkola will give welcome remarks and an overview of current business environment.
AGM is for member companies, individual members and sponsors only. One ticket per member company is free of charge. Additional tickets are RMB 300/person (not including drinks).
After the official meeting proceedings, a buffet dinner will be served. For alcoholic/non-alcoholic beverages, all attendees can enjoy wine and beer at their own cost: juice CNY 25, local beer CNY 30, house red or white wine CNY 38/glass.
Please register by April 17th.
Date and time: Wednesday 20 April 2022 at 6:00pm-
Location: Kerry-hotel, Floor 3, Beijing 1-2
1. Opening of the meeting
2. Legality and quorum
3. Calling the meeting to order
4. Approving the agenda
5. Summary of activities and memberships in 2021-2022
6. Financial report in the fiscal period April 2021 โ March 2022
7. Discharging the board and Executive Director from liabilities
8. Proposed changes to bylaws
9. FBCB new board members election
10. Recommendations to the New Board
12. Membership fees for 2022-2023
13. AOB
14. Closing of the meeting
Kerry Hotel Beijing
Beijing Shi, China
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For FBCB member-companies and sponsors only. One ticket per company