This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other FinnCham China - Beijing events.

Are you working for a Finnish company or planning to do business with Finnish people? Or just like Finland and would like to visit there? Do you wish to handle a simple conversation in Finnish? If your answer is yes, this is for you.

This is the beginners class so no prior knowledge is needed.

Teacher Emiel Riiko will be online, and interactively guide you step-by-step. Learning Finnish is never made easier, as you can talk with the teacher from your home couch.

After registrations and payment, we will send online link. There is maximum 10 persons in group so that everyone gets enough attention.

The lessons are every Monday June 20th-July 25th. The first lesson is on Monday June 20th 7 pm-7:45 pm China Standard Time.

Member-company employees and individual members, as well as employees at Business Finland, Finnish Embassy and Consulates: RMB 600/ six lessons

Non-member attendees: RMB 900/ six lessons

Add Ulla's wechat: UN13264106340. We have a specific wechat group for students, where we post all the study-material.


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  • FinnCham Member registration

    RMB 600

    6 lessons between June 20 - July 25

    Embassy, Consulate, Business Finland and Member company employees

    Buy Ticket
  • Non-member registration

    RMB 900

    6 lessons between June 20 - July 25

    Buy Ticket