营销团队的获客成本越来越高,你的获客成本是怎样的?陌生电话、陌生电邮、LINKEDIN的成功率高吗? 有没有计算过开客的转化率? 是否计算过广告成本、贸易展会、举办活动的成本以及转化成新客户的成本和概率? 你或许每天都在接听房产中介和贷款中介销售人员兢兢业业的陌生电话骚扰,可以想象销售获取新客户有多难。
你是否尝试建立一个关系网,并使之成为业务信息的来源以至于实现双赢呢?你是否尝试过让你的客户主动为你转介绍客户吗?你是否知晓让客户转介绍客户营销体系的成功要素?MARJA KURKI 大客户团队将携手芬兰商会北京共同举办"客户转介绍"分享会。
Nowadays new client acquiring cost for marketing and sales team is getting higher and higher. How about yours? Do you still do cold calls or Linkedin? Have you ever calculated the converting rate of those? Have you calculated the cost of advertising, trade shows, events and their converting rates? Do you still receive the cold calls from Real-estate agents and sales person for bank loans? Can you image what kind of life they have?
Do you know how to create great business relationships and then leverage those relationships for everyone's benefit? And do you know the right and successful referral cases have got certain success factors and procedures?
MARJA KURKI B2B team is going to share with you the referral basics together with Finnish business council. A Chinese language event.
Winter Sports Management Center of Business Finland
Room 506, Full Tower, No. 9 East 3rd Ring Road Central
Beijing, China
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