This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other FinnCham China - Beijing events.

Team Finland is organizing a webinar for Finnish companies about the business impact of the recent epidemic situation in China. The session opens with the Finnish Embassy's overview of the Coronavirus situation by Ambassador Jarno Syrjala. This is followed by a summary of Business Finland's recent Coronavirus-business-survey, presented by Grace Wang, Trade Commissioner East Asia. We have also invited two Finnish companies, Metso and Marja Kurki, to tell what kind of an impact the virus has had on their businesses, how they have been prepared, and what kind of help they expect from Team Finland. Finally, the event will conclude with a Q & A session. All webinar attendees can send questions to any of our four panelists. The webinar is moderated by Juha Tuominen, Chairman of FBCB, and Hannakaisa Andersson, Second Secretary, Trade and Economy at the Embassy of Finland.

An email with instructions on how to join the webinar will be sent to those who register. This event is free of charge, and you can join from anywhere through your laptop or mobile phone. NOTE: Webinar is 3 pm China Standard Time.

After the webinar, afterwork drinks will be held for Finnish company representatives at the Finnish Ambassador's residence in Beijing. See separate event invitation.


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