HR cost control is a part of the HR management process system, and HR cost control itself is also a process system work. Through human cost control, it can strengthen the cost consciousness and market competition consciousness of the whole staff of the company; it can explore the best combination point between the development of the company and the level of human cost; it can make more effective use of salary management and performance management to motivate and restrain the behavior of the staff to reduce the cost and improve the economic efficiency; it can continuously improve the salary level of the staff based on the continuous improvement of the economic efficiency of the company and enhance the loyalty.
This course is a summary of common HR cost control methods, tools, and templates used in practice and has been developed with a large number of practical examples. It is hoped that this course will enable participants to quickly learn the methodology, tools, and considerations of HR cost control.
Course Target
Course Format
The course is a combination of theoretical lectures + interactive questions + case studies + group discussions + video observation + interactive situations + experiential activities + brainstorming + experience sharing and other training methods.
Course Features
Course Outline
Event Details | 活动详情
Date | 日期
10th May, 2023 & 11th May, 2023 | 2023年5月10日 & 11日
Time | 时间
9am - 4pm (CN) | 中国时间上午9点 - 下午4点
Venue | 地点
Online Training | 线上培训
The link will be sent through email before the event | 会议链接将在活动前通过邮箱发送给您
Language | 语言
Chinese | 中文
Price | 价格
Member Ticket: RMB 2000 | 会员价: 人民币2000元
Non-member Ticket: RMB 3000 | 非会员价: 人民币3000元
Participants | 面向人群
Human resource managers, senior management, middle management cadres, department heads, etc.
Trainer | 培训讲师
Zhiyang Song, Certified Trainer, Eddic Training Center | 宋致旸,易迪思中国金牌讲师
About Eddic | 关于易迪思
Eddic training center (China) is a leading provider of enterprise-level training services. Founded in 2003, Eddic currently has more than 800 instructors who focus on enterprise-level training area. The company has served for more than 3,500 companies with professional customized training solutions. Adhering to the concept of "value-added courses and innovative services", Eddic provides training solutions for enterprises to cultivate talents.
易迪思(中国)培训中心是中国领先的企业级培训服务供应商,始创于2003年,易迪思结合20余年培训服务经验,针对企业管理实际,不断总结并形成了独具特色的培训课程体系和咨询辅导系统。与国内外优秀企业、机构交流合作,开展标杆学习、主题论坛、沙龙交流等特色服务,为企业管理者、学员搭建多样化的学习平台。目前已为超过3500余家企业提供定制化培训解决方案,包括 300 余家全球 500 强在华投资企业.
2023年05月10日,2023年05月11日 GMT +05:30
添加到日历Online course. Anywhere in China
10th and 11th May 2023
10th and 11th May 2023